Asset Smart Devices
Filed under: GPS Tracking
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Keeping a track of your vehicle becomes imperative when it is on the move across long distances. In addition to the primary task of knowing about the whereabouts of your vehicle, Asset Smart has a wide range of features in a single unit that can satisfy even the hardest to please. Here’s why – it is compact, wireless, tamper-proof and has a wide range of features to suit a variety of requirements. Some of its features are as follows:
- Anti-theft feature.
- Can be tracked from any part of the globe.
- Data can be stored locally in case of network issues.
- Can be concealed.
- Multiple power source
- Waterproof.
- Remote configuration.
And this is only a small fraction of all the features it has to offer its users. Asset Smart can be fitted into any vehicle with ease and can be operated remotely without any hassle. Our experience and involvement with our clients have allowed us to perfect the end-to-end production of these devices and provide it to our clients as per their specifications too. Our R&D team works on improving the core competence of the business and works closely with clients to understand their needs and apply them to our devices. We try simplifying the entire ecosystem around this technology to provide our customers with an easy, seamless experience. And that’s not all; our products are recognised by various governing bodies such as ARAI, ICAT, and UL among others. Our products are also manufactured in ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/TS 16949:2009 certified facility which speaks for itself. To know more about us, visit our website now.